Decision Making

How Successful people make decisions differently

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How Successful people make decisions differently?

The world looks at successful people with awe and admiration. Everybody wants to stand out in the crowd, fulfil their dreams and find the path to success.

 But what is the main element that differentiates a failure and a successful person?

A failure would always find excuses for not doing well in life. Sometimes he would blame the unfavorable conditions and sometimes he would blame luck for doing its part.

But is it fair to say that successful people are only lucky? Well, the answer is no!

People with dreams and aspirations have faith in them. They have courage, zeal, and enthusiasm to achieve the unachievable.

As Winston Churchill said

 “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.”


What is success?

Success can’t be defined. It is subjective to one’s desire and passion. Some measure success with money and fame while some measure it with happiness and living an honorable life.

Barak Obama, the 44th president of the United States defines happiness as

“For Barack, success isn’t about how much money you make. It’s about the difference you make in people’s lives.”


Think and Grow Rich:

Napoleon Hill was USA based self-improvement book writer. His work was mainly based on how to improve one’s life. His most remarkable book “Think and grow rich” was written in 1937 after 25 years of research on financially prosperous people.

The book focuses on how to achieve success and become rich. He has stated 13 principles in the book that you can follow to achieve any goal and find success.

An achiever always has a plan. He surrounds his decisions and choices accordingly. 


Decision Making:

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” 

Robert Frost, “The Road Not Taken” 

Robert frost a famous American poet has described decision-making in such a beautiful and poetic way. It is always about the road you take that makes the difference. A less travelled road would always have unseen hardships and only a determined person can overcome them to achieve his goal.


Decision-making is the process of making a wise choice. It is the ability to pick the best option available to achieve one’s goal. The road to success has many milestones and decision making is one of them. Those who succeed in life can make the right decisions at the right time.

A good decision not only leads you closer to your goal but also shows your determination and willpower.


As Napoleon Hill writes in his book The law of success 

” The man of a decision cannot be stopped! The man of indecision cannot be started! Take your own choice”

Lack of decision-making is the main reason why people fail in life. A decision made timely can not only succeed one in life but also helps in boosting a person’s confidence.


How to make good decisions?

 Certain attributes help in making good decisions. A person should develop these qualities to achieve his goal and find success

  • Goal-oriented: Successful people are goal-oriented. They always have a purpose and focus in life. A goal in life helps you in chalking out a proper plan to achieve it.

An unsuccessful person’s life would be aimless. He can never have a plan of action. He would rely on people for success and tries to find shortcuts instead of sticking to a goal. Such a person would always find himself failing and not achieving anything in life.

Rich people like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Elon musk all succeeded in life because of their goal-oriented approach. They surrounded their lives with their goal and became successful.


  • Quick decision making:

Prompt decision-making is the key to success. People who take time in taking decisions always end up getting confused. Slow decision-making and thinking too much often lead to wrong choices.

A prosperous person would always surround their decisions with the achievement of their goal. They would grab every good opportunity that they can find.

Unsuccessful people take time in making decisions. They have a fear of failure that stops them from making daring decisions. They are indecisive and usually never stick to their choices.

Napoleon hill mentions a very interesting reference to decision making in his book:

Henry Ford was the founder of Ford Motor company. Since its creation, his famous design Model T was condemned by everyone. Even his advisors advised him to discontinue it but he was firm on his decision. He believed in himself and later that model became one most successful designs and made ford company the leading automobile company of its time.


  • Have faith in yourself:

       The key element of success is having faith in yourself. People who believe in themselves achieve their goals easily. self-doubt and always relying on other people’s views leads to failure.

A person knows his capabilities and qualities the, you should believe in yourself and follow the plan you have chalked out for yourself.

Advice should only be taken from experts. people who can guide you and come up with a proper solution to your problem


  • Be a man of action:

People who succeed in life always believe that action speaks louder than words. Telling people about your plan is pointless if you do not have to follow it. People would never take an indecisive and impractical person seriously. Do not disclose your ideas to anyone but show your plan through action. Let your success speaks for itself.

  • Be fearless

As they say “Fortune favors the brave”. History shows all the triumphant people were brave. They never feared the consequences or failure. Courage is one of the most important attributes of prosperous people. They make a decision and sticks to it no matter what. For being successful it is extremely important to own your decisions and their consequences.



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How Successful people make decisions differently

Decision Making

How Successful people make decisions differently? The world looks at successful people with awe and admiration. Everybody wants to stand out in the crowd, fulfil