General Knowledge Vs Specialized Knowledge

General Knowledge Vs Specialized Knowledge

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In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. After offering blessings and peace in the blessed name of Allah and in the service of (P.B.U.H).

Today’s topic of discussion is chapter no 5 of book ‘Think and Grow Rich’. We will discuss general knowledge Vs specialized knowledge in this video.

                          General Knowledge   Vs   Specialized Knowledge

There are two types of knowledge.

·        General knowledge 

·        Specialized knowledge 

General knowledge can be very high in quantity and quality but it is very less helpful in making money. But it does not mean that it is a worthless thing. Here’s why it’s about Think and Grow Rich so what I mean here is that when we talk about using knowledge to make money, so specialized knowledge is used there.

Specialized knowledge means the knowledge that is of our use and help make us rich. And what are we learning on a daily basis? And whether we are implementing it in our lives or not?


Let’s try to understand general knowledge Vs specialized knowledge with an example.

1.     School, college teachers and professors have a lot of general knowledge but one and a half of them look rich. This is because they do not have that knowledge that can help them become rich.

2.      In contrast, Henry Ford, who owned the Ford company, is said to be earned 14 million in his lifetime, who had only been to school for a few months. But he had the knowledge that could benefit him. He was convinced to keep in his mind only that which would benefit him and give him wealth. Focuses the author on it, if you want to increase your income or want to succeed in any field, then you have to get specialized knowledge.

Knowledge is a potential power that you have often heard. But according to the author, this needs to be reviewed.

 According to writer:

                                 “Knowledge is only potential power”

 Potential power means the real power of knowledge lies in its proper use. Unfortunately, schools do not teach that how to actually use this acquired knowledge.


Let’s see what this means with an example:

A boy who has been discouraged by applying for a job for two years. This boy’s mother is responsible for getting him a job and also sends a letter to a company with an application. In this letter she also mentions all these qualities of her son which is necessary to be eligible for this job. Prior to that, the woman fully researched the company and the job profile. What is that job and what are the prospects for it? And after doing all this, she manages to get a job for her son, who has been looking for a job for two years without any recommendation.

 Who is literate?

 The word education is derived from the Latin word “educate” which means to develop from within. Therefore, an educated person is not one who has a lot of knowledge.

Rather, he is the one who has control over the power of his brain and he can get whatever he wants with that power without angering anyone and without harming anyone.

Another important point is stated in this book, it is not necessary for you to have a college degree for specialized knowledge. If that were the case, Thomas Edison would not have succeeded in inventing the light bulb because he only went to school for a few months.

How to get specialized knowledge?

How to get specialized knowledge. What kind of information you need for what purpose?

Here you can find the purpose of your life. Once the goal is set, make a list of the sources from which you can gain that knowledge. You can also get help from personal experiences and magazines, but the best way to do this is to get information from people or experts who have been successful, the ones you want to get.

Bob proctor say that:

“Those who have succeeded in passing through the field you have desired should associate themselves with them. And follow every step and advice they give, then no one can stop you from succeeding”.


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