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Muhammad Ehsan Sunny - Motivational Speaker -Insurance Expert -

About Me

Mohammad Ehsan Sunny - Insurance Expert

If you are struggling with business performance and are lacking in confidence Mohammad Ehsan Sunny ( Insurance expert and Trainer ) can help you move from scratch to financially stable with step by step guidance, tips and tricks in sales industry specifically in Insurance field.

Who is Muhammad Ehsan Sunny?

He started his journey as an insurance agent in 2010 faced lot of problems selling his first policy. He struggled day & night to secure his first client and succeeded in his 58th attempt; by achieving his first success in this field he didn’t see behind and started achieving one milestone to another; resultantly he is prosperous and living happy life.

He has empowered so many youngsters to grow in this field and make them financially stable.

If you are struggling with your future please reach out to him directly your life would be changed dramatically Insha’Allah!

Muhammad Ehsan Sunny - Motivational Speaker -Insurance Expert -


Mohammad Ehsan Sunny

For Insurance Training and Expert Opinion

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